Saturday, 11 April 2015


It is a common accusation of non-believers that Christianity cannot prove the existence of God. But then, neither can non-believers disprove his existence. For the Christian, the argument goes much deeper that a mere disagreement between proof and non-proof. A Christian believes in the existence of God on the very solid basis of faith.
For example, there is no physical proof of the Resurrection of Jesus. There is the historical fact of the empty tomb. That is history! But it is only through faith that the risen Jesus presents himself to us. Reason can lead us so far: it is only when we step out in faith, beyond reason, placing our faith in the existence of God, that we discover He actually does exist.

The disciples accepted Jesus’ teaching that He would suffer and die and rise again on the third day. But they did not accept it literally. It was only when he actually appeared before them, that they saw the literalness of His prophesies. But they, nevertheless, actually saw the Risen Lord before them on that Easter Sunday. It was only Thomas who was not present. It is not surprising that Thomas, like the other disciples, refused to believe unless they were confronted with the evidence. But it is Jesus’ words to Thomas, “You believe because you have seen. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe,” that are important. This he meant for us. We are presented with evidence of the Risen Jesus in so many ways: the sacraments, the scriptures, the 2 000 year continued existence of the Church, the Body of Christ. But all of these are pointers, even very strong ones, to the reality of the Resurrection. It is only when we take that step of faith: starting to live as though Jesus is Lord and had really risen from the dead, that He will  become a living presence in our lives. Faith, that wonderful gift of God, is what makes the whole story of Jesus and his revealing of the Father real for us. The Apostles saw and believed: even Doubting Thomas saw and believed: we too, if we begin by accepting the Gift of Faith which God gives us, can, by the gift of that same faith, see and believe. “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” The Apostles started with seeing which led to believing: We, who begin with faith and end with believing, are specially blessed. Let us thank God today for the gift of Faith, which enables us to believe. May that faith grow ever stronger in us, that we might see Him more clearly every day, and that in turn, our faith may grow yet stronger in the Risen Lord and that He in turn, may become an ever more powerful presence in our lives.

Fr. Phillip