Sunday, 26 February 2017


The world loves to speak of love. We all know the old cliché “It’s love that makes the world go round”. But by “love,” the modern world really means “sex” and all the short-lived, superficial passions that accompany it. This certainly does not mean that sex is bad, or superficial, or undesirable. To the contrary, it is part of the order in this world created by God, and of everything that he created, “God saw that it was good…and indeed, it was very good.” But the modern world has divorced sex from the God who created it, and in doing so has separated it from the elevated and profound purpose which God destined as its end. In cutting mankind off from God who is love and the source of all our love, modern secular society has come to equate sex with love.

                You do not have to look very far to see this. Switch on your TV in the evening, or glance briefly at the magazine covers in the local supermarket. You could also try the Divorce Court rolls in the newspapers. The high rate of divorce on the grounds of infidelity proves that a large proportion of human beings still believes in mutual fidelity, but that lifelong mutual fidelity isn’t working. Why? Because we are no longer able to rely upon the enduring Love of God, we have been forced to make do with that feeble emotion we humans call love. Christians need to ponder the limitless mystery of God’s love, for it is the very reason why we were created, why we continue to exist, and why there is still hope for us all, and a reason for us to soldier on despite the negativity we see around us every day.

If you ever wondered what was wrong with the world, think of that figure on the cross, selfless, dying to set us free, giving us a love that rescues us from our ugliness and hatefulness – yes, even the young, beautiful and rich – and makes us beautiful and lovable. Think of that image; and then look at the world around you. God never meant us to live like this – struggling to survive on our own shallow passions. He always willed us to live in his love, and he wills us to do so still.

Do you think there is even a choice as to what sort of love, human or divine, the world needs? what sort of love is our only hope? For it is the one hope to which we might cling, the only certainty which will never fail. Let us choose that hope today. Let us welcome into our lives the everlasting hope and salvation offered only by the Love of God. In a word, let us submit our lives, our hope our all, to the God of Love.

Fr Phillip

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